Fryetts, Alderney FR Fabric Collection

Alderney is a collection of woven fabrics that include checks, stripes and plains that give any room that highland feel. The fabric is also inherently FR Available in 6 designs: Alderney, Guernsey, Jura, Kintyre, Arran and Naples Alderney is available in; Denim, Dove, Lime, Natural, Arran is available in: Chambray, Charcoal, Chestnut, Grape, Heather,Indigo, Linen, Natural, Praline, Sage, Slate Blue, Teal Guernsey is available in: Denim, Dove, Lime, Natural, Jura is available in: Natural, Kintyre is available in: Chambray, Charcoal, Chestnut, Grape, Heather, Indigo, Pampas, Sage, Teal Naples is available in; Apple, Aubergine, Inidgo, Linen, Mink, Mocha, Mulberry, Mushroom, Natural, Rosso, Silver, Slate, Taupe Click here to view the fabric collection online Chair in the LHS picture is Alderney Dove Technical details: * Fabric Type: Weave * Composition: 100% Polyester * Width approx: 140cm * Vertical pattern repeat: 19cm * Horizontal patte...